Chennai: After her mother died earlier this month due to the unavailability of medical oxygen, a Chennai-based woman autorickshaw driver has embarked on a noble mission. Seethadevi ferries medical oxygen to patients who are in dire need, that too at free of cost.
For this, she has fitted her three-wheeler with oxygen cylinders.
Seethadevi's mother suffered a urine infection. On May 1, she was rushed to a hospital. She had to undergo certain medical procedures which required her to be on oxygen support. However, the hospital could not ensure a continuous supply of oxygen and she passed away four days later.
After giving her mother a dignified funeral, Seethadevi resolved to save as many lives as possible. She soon fitted her autorickshaw with oxygen cylinders and turned the three-wheeler into an emergency pick-up vehicle.
Since then, she has been ferrying COVID-19 patients free of cost. This is Seethadevi's latest initiative for COVID-19 patients. She has already been running 'Street Vision', a voluntary organization, serving food for those living on footpaths and the destitute.