New Delhi: The share of top 10 per cent people in India's National Income was equal to 57 per cent in 2021, Minister of State (Independent charge) of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Rao Inderjit Singh informed the Rajya Sabha on Monday. He was responding to questions raised by Trinamool Congress MP Shanta Chhetri.
"As per World Inequality Report, 2022 published by World Inequality Lab in partnership with UNDP, the share of top 10% people in India’s National Income was equal to 57% in 2021," the MoS stated in a written reply.
"The UN General Assembly, in its 70th Session held on 25th September 2015, considered and adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which came into force with effect from 1st January 2016. SDGs are comprehensive list of global goals integrating the social, economic, and environmental sectors of development. The SDG 10, i.e. “Reduce inequality within and among countries”, aims at reducing inequality within and among countries," he added.