Ramanagara(Karnataka):The Karnataka Congress is all set to resume its truncated Mekedatu Padayatra from Sunday. Mekedatu Padayatra is a 170-kilometre march for drinking water. The second phase of the 'Our Water, Our Rights' campaign will start from Ramanagara at 8 am. The march will reach National College grounds in Basavanagudi, Bengaluru on March 3 where the valedictory program will be held.
Mekedatu Padayatra was scheduled to be held from January 9 to 19. But on January 13 on the fifth day of padayatra, Congress leaders took the decision to postpone the padayatra in Ramanagaram in the light of the High Court’s observations regarding violation of Covid-19 norms and the state government's ban on processions and protests on the view of the third wave of the pandemic.