Sri Ganganagar:Amid the hike in fuel prices throughout the country, Sriganganagar in Rajasthan recorded the highest petrol price in the country on Wednesday. The petrol is priced at Rs 123.16 per litre while diesel is priced at Rs 105.55 per litre in the Sriganganagar district while the price of premium petrol has crossed Rs 126 per litre.
Rs 123.16 for a litre of petrol: This city has the highest fuel prices in India
The petrol is priced at Rs 123.16 per litre while diesel is priced at Rs 105.55 per litre in the Sriganganagar district while the price of premium petrol has crossed Rs 126 per litre.
Sriganganagar records most expensive petrol across country at Rs. 123.16 per litre
Aman Saharan, who rides vehicles on rent by contracting in government offices, said that due to the rapid increase in the prices of petrol and diesel in the last year, his vehicles are running at a loss as there is no increase in the fare from the government yet. If the fares of vehicles running on contract in government offices are not increased, then they will have to be stopped.