Raipur: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Wednesday said that the film 'The Kashmir Files' shows half-truths and added that not only Hindus, but Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs were also murdered in Kashmir.
"I watched 'The Kashmir Files', the film is made on the terrorist incidents that happened in Kashmir. The entire film is focused on only one family but in the end, the main hero emphasized that not only Hindus, the people of different religions including Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs were also murdered. But this film has been made to send only one political message that only Kashmiri Pandits were displaced," said the Chief Minister after watching the film.
"Half-truth is shown in the film. It is not appropriate to show one side in the film. If they (BJP-led central government) want to do politics through this and doing preparations for 2024 Lok Sabha polls, then they are taking the country in a very wrong direction," said Baghel. He further said that even today the problem of Kashmiri Pandits has not been solved and no attempts have been made for their resettlement.
"This is the period of 1989-90 when VP Singh was the Prime Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party leaders Atal Bihari Vajpayee and LK Advani were leading at that time. Jagmohan was the Lieutenant Governor at that time. No attempt was made to stop the Kashmiri Pandits, but he asked the Kashmiri Pandits to leave. President's rule was imposed there, but the army was not sent there. Even today the problem of Kashmiri Pandits is the same; 370 has been removed, but no work is being done for the resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits," said Baghel.
Further criticizing the film, the Chief Minister said that the film has given no solution to the problem and only gave a lecture. "Atal Bihari Vajpayee's ruled for 6 years then and now there is Modi's government for 8 years, Numerous days have passed since Article 370 was removed but no attempt has been made to solve their problem (resettlement).Even the film was unable to show any solution. When a director makes a movie he has to show the solution to the problem he is raising but the director fails to provide a solution in the film and only gave lectures and this government only did politics by removing Article 370," he said.
He further said that the film has shown intense violence which will not have a good impression on a child's mind. Emphasizing that it is necessary to find a solution to the problem, he said that "the Government of India has so far not done anything in the direction of resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits."