Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court granted conditional bail to Bineesh Kodiyeri, son former Home minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan's and prominent CPI(M) leader, in the money laundering case. A single-judge bench of Justice M G Uma pronounced the order.
Bineesh Kodiyeri was arrested on October 29, 2020, and since then he has been under custody. CPI-M State Secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan's son Bineesh Kodiyeri was arrested for his alleged connection with the Bengaluru drug case. Earlier, his bail application was rejected twice by the High court. Three High Court benches had heard the arguments over the past seven months, but bail eluded him.
Balakrishnan popularly known as Kodiyeri who also had to step down soon after his younger son Bineesh Kodiyerii was picked up by the Bengaluru division of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), and his arrest was recorded on October 29 last year.