Ranchi: Ahead of the upcoming Presidential elections, CPM politburo member Brinda Karat in an exclusive conversation with ETV Bharat denied being opposed to Droupadi Murmu's nomination. "Our fight is not against Droupadi Murmu, it's against Bharatiya Janata Party's agenda to politicise the Presidential elections to their advantage," said Karat while speaking to ETV Bharat's Rajesh Kumar Singh.
Emphasising that Murmu is an established political leader and comes from a humble background, Karat said, "She is an Adivasi, a woman and has done some great work in her political career. I met her several times when she was serving as the Governor of Ranchi. We have nothing against her. It's the BJP we are up against."
"The party (BJP) is trying to establish control over all institutions in power and this is just another one of their attempts to do so under the garb of Presidential elections," the CPIM leader added.
Expressing her displeasure over not having a government that believes in the Constitution, she said, "It's sad that only the opposition in the country believes in the Constitution, while the ones in power have no respect for it at all. Our fight is no longer against a person, it's against these bodies -- the BJP and the RSS -- who are tirelessly turning everything and everyone into their advantage," she reiterated.
When asked if she is not appreciative of a woman from an underprivileged background finally coming to power in the country with a fair consensus, Karat said that a party like BJP has never respected and does not care about consensus. In a wry reply to the question, she said, "What makes you think they care about the consensus? They have destroyed the Constitution, they are altering history, erasing names and they do not respect or abide by the laws. Consensus is for people who have some principles and believe in the Constitution. For them (BJP), it's just another political tool."