Hyderabad: Dismissing the "farmhouse CM" criticism against Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, his son and ruling TRS Working President KT Rama Rao on Tuesday said that false information was being spread about the house built on a farm. Chief Minister KCR, has often been slammed by opposition BJP and Congress leaders for allegedly staying at his "farmhouse" at Erravelli village in Siddipet district and remaining inaccessible.
"KCR garu was born in a family that had hundreds of acres. One says 'farmhouse chief minister'. What farmhouse? A farm is there and a house is built in it. False information is spread by describing it as farmhouse. Because, we have a farmer's son as chief minister, so many welfare programmes are happening for ryots," Rama Rao, also a state minister, said, addressing a gathering in Kamareddy district.