New Delhi: The CBI questioned Lok Sabha MP Karti Chidambaram for the third consecutive day on Saturday in connection with its probe into the alleged Rs 50-lakh bribery for issuance of 263 project visas to Chinese workers involved in the construction of the Talwandi Sabo power project in 2011, officials said.
Karti Chidambaram arrived at the CBI headquarters early in the morning to face the investigation team. At the CBI office Karti Chidambaram said, "Test Match takes place for 5 days, this is only day 3. I have written to the Speaker, I'm awaiting to hear from the Speaker." The questioning is likely to continue throughout the day with a lunch break, CBI officials said.
Earlier on Friday Karti Chidambaram had written to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla alleging a "brazen breach" of his "parliamentary privilege", adding that his family members are being targeted by the present government and its investigating agencies by foisting one fake case after another. "I am distressed to bring the matter of grave importance to your urgent notice. This issue concerns my rights and privileges as a Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)," he wrote.