New Delhi:The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday arrested five more terror operatives in Jammu and Kashmir terrorism conspiracy case during fresh raids at two places in Srinagar earlier in the day. Those arrested have been identified as Md Haneef Chiralu, Hafeez, Owais Dar, Mateen Bhat, and Arif Farooq Bhat.
The case pertains to the hatching of conspiracy for undertaking violent terrorist acts in J-K and other major cities, by cadres of proscribed terrorist organisations that include Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM), Al Badr and their affiliates such as TRF and People Against Fascist Forces (PAFF).
NIA had registered the case as of October 10 this year and initiated the investigation. NIA had earlier arrested four accused in the case on Tuesday. During its raids earlier in the day at two locations in Srinagar, NIA said it seized electronic devices and incriminating jehadi documents.
"Preliminary investigation has revealed that the five arrested accused persons are terror associates and Over Ground Workers (OGWs) of various proscribed terrorist organisations and have been instrumental in providing logistical support to terrorists and facilitating them in carrying out terror activities," the NIA said.