Hyderabad: Telangana Minister KT Rama Rao on Sunday took a swipe at the Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre over the hike in prices of domestic LPG cylinder and fuel, saying "everything is possible, if Modi is there." Rao was responding to queries posed by Twitter users on rising prices of petroleum products and cooking gas, during #AskKTR session. In a tweet, the TRS leader said, "Modi Ji is unstoppable. He is going to make sure we are the No 1 in the world."
"Modi Hain Tho Mumkin Hain. Welcome to #AchheDin," he said while replying to another Twitterati, who said "LPG Cylinder rate in 2014 was Rs 410 and and now it costs Rs 1,000. We used to get two cylinders in 2014 with the present rate in 2022. What is your message to the people of this country ?? @KTRTRS." The cooking gas LPG prices were on Saturday hiked by Rs 50 per cylinder, the second increase in rates in just over six weeks following the firming of international energy rates.
In a series of tweets, Rama Rao, son of TRS supremo and Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, targeted the central government and said, "not a single national educational institution such as IIM, IISER, NID or IIT sanctioned by this Union Govt to Telangana. It's hopeless to expect anything from them as we've been requesting for 8 years in vain."