Hyderabad: Telangana IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao on Wednesday chaired two round-table sessions organized by the UK-India Business Council in London and interacted with industry leaders from across the globe with a view to attracting investments to the Indian State. Top management representatives from Deloitte, HSBC, JCB, E&Y, and Rolls Royce Plc, among others, attended the meeting, according to an official release.
IT Department Principal Secretary Jayesh Ranjan and British Deputy High Commissioner to Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Andrew Fleming participated. During the session, the Minister introduced the progressive industrial policies of the Telangana government and also highlighted the investment opportunities in priority sectors like information technology, BFSI, food processing, pharma, life sciences, aerospace, and defense.
Rama Rao, popularly known as KTR, mentioned also the availability of land, water, power, and human resources in the State for prospective investors. The Minister reiterated that Telangana would either meet or beat the offer given by any Indian State, it added. KTR chaired also the second round-table session jointly organized by the UK-India Business Council and Tech UK today.
Collaboration between the UK and India in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), cleantech, health tech, and Logitech was discussed in the meeting, the release said. During the session, Rama Rao said Hyderabad offers great opportunities for SMEs in emerging technologies and added Telangana has excellent sectoral policies, unlike any other Indian State.
KTR opined that the Tech UK and the Hyderabad Software Enterprises Association (HYSEA) could work together on a bilateral engagement to help SMEs explore opportunities.