Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister and TRS President K Chandrashekhar Rao is planning to form a new national party after the Presidential elections. It has been learned that KCR had scheduled to launch the party this month, but the launch was postponed due to the presidential polls scheduled on July 18. The CM on 10th of this month at Pragati Bhavan, held a keynote meeting with the Speaker, Council Chairman, Ministers, party Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha party leaders, Legislative Assembly, and Mandali party Whips in this regard.
Telangana: KCR to launch National Party after Presidential Elections
Telangana Chief Minister and TRS President K Chandrashekhar Rao is planning to form a new national party after the Presidential elections. It has been learned that KCR had scheduled to launch the party this month, but the launch was postponed due to the presidential polls scheduled on July 18.
The party leaders also approached the Central Electoral Commission over the formation of a new party. As part of the preparations for the new national party, KCR is in talks with economists, experts in various fields, retired IAS officers, and IPS officers. Meanwhile, KCR assured NCP chief Sharad Pawar that he would support the opposition candidate Yashwant Sinha in the presidential election.
Also read: HC notice to Telangana govt on the land allotment for TRS office