New Delhi: A newly-formed team of Telangana Congress met the party's former President Rahul Gandhi, on Wednesday, at his residence here to ask him to visit the state on December 9, on the occasion of Telangana Formation Day as well as Sonia Gandhi's birthday. On this occasion, Telangana Congress has decided to launch a programme wherein a target has been set to give primary membership of Congress to 10 lakh people in one single day.
After meeting Rahul Gandhi, Telangana Congress chief Revanth Reddy said, "A new team was appointed in Telangana with a lot of hopes and responsibilities, so we wanted to thank our leadership. We met Rahul ji and proposed certain programmes and organisational issues. He fully supported and endorsed our views."
"Also, we have invited him to come to Telangana on December 9. In principle, he accepted to visit our state. We wanted to launch a programme to give Congress' primary membership to 10 lakh people in one day," he informed.