Hyderabad:Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, also known as KCR, underwent a medical check-up here on Friday after complaining of weakness and other minor health issues. The doctors said there is no cause for alarm.
Rao (68) complained of weakness and pain in the left arm and doctors from the Yashoda Hospital, including his personal physician M V Rao, conducted a preliminary examination. The physician said the doctors advised KCR to go for a preventive check-up as his annual health check-up was due.
A coronary angiogram was performed at the hospital and there was not any problem, said a cardiologist. In view of the pain in the arm, MRIs were conducted and it showed mild changes which are common to everyone of his age, he said. It was felt that the pain could be due to the habit of reading a lot of newspapers and using an i-pad, said the personal physician of KCR. The weakness is because of his tours and speeches, he said.
Also read:Telangana Chief Minister KCR indisposed, hospitalised