Hyderabad (Telangana):In view of the surging COVID-19 cases, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao held a review meeting and urged people to follow COVID protocols issued by the government. Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said, "People should not entertain any fear against COVID-19. Wear masks, sanitize your hand, maintain social distancing and follow COVID protocols."
Rao asked people to take the COVID-19 vaccine and informed further that "the precaution doses will be given to frontline workers, health workers and people above 60 years of age from Monday." The Chief Minister appealed to people not to move in groups especially during the Sankranti festival and try to remain in homes to celebrate taking precautions.
He inquired with the medical and health department officials about the Covid situation in the state and said "the state government is ready to face any situation." The officials submitted a report to the Chief Minister on the measures taken and officials explained that adequate oxygen beds, medicines and other requirements are available.