Hyderabad: Buffalow of a rare breed worth Rs 35 crore stands out as a special attraction in the yearly Sadar celebrations held here during Diwali. Under the leadership of Madhu Yadav from Khairatabad, a display of different cow breeds was organized in front of the big Ganesh statue on the municipal ground on Tuesday. Madhu Yadav buys buffaloes and rears them on his dairy farm.
Telangana: Rs 35 crore buffalo draws more eyeballs at Sadar celebrations
Yadav revealed that he is working to help the growth of the Murrah race in the state. He shared that the special buffaloes' diet consists of milk, pistachios, almonds, cashews, apples, chicken eggs, chickpeas, chickpeas, fenugreek seeds, peanuts, Gujar, and beetroot.
Haryana's buffalo 'Raju' performed acrobatics during the Sadar celebrations. But, it is buffalo Garuda that stood out this time. Madhu explained that 20 days ago, he bought it from Haimad Alam Khan for Rs. 35 crores.
He said that the price is decided according to the quality of the semen. Yadav revealed that he is working to help the growth of the Murrah race in the state. He shared that the special buffaloes' diet consists of milk, pistachios, almonds, cashews, apples, chicken eggs, chickpeas, chickpeas, fenugreek seeds, peanuts, Gujar, and beetroot.