Hyderabad(Telangana): The police have served a notice to BJP's Telangana president Bandi Sanjay Kumar, seeking his appearance before them, as part of an investigation in relation to a case booked against him for allegedly insulting Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. Bandi Sanjay, who has been named as the prime accused in the case was issued notice under 41-(A) (1) CrPC, police said on Tuesday.
On June 2, the BJP Telangana unit, under the leadership of its president Bandi Sanjay conducted an event on the Telangana Formation Day and staged a skit. After watching the skit, the TRS social media convenor lodged a complaint with the police, stating that the BJP State unit 'misused' the platform to defame the TRS government schemes with accusations against the Chief Minister and the government with an intention to mislead the people and provoke hatred and unrest.