Patna:As the recruitment under the Agnipath scheme began across various states in the country, Rashtriya Janta Dal leader, Tejashwi Prasad Yadav slammed the Bharatiya Janta Party and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS) for having caste and religion section under the documents required during the recruitment of Agniveer.
According to sources, taking a micro-blogging site, Yadav slammed the RSS and BJP citing that "Agniveer will be sorted out or filtered out on the basis of caste". "Don't ask the caste of the monk but ask the caste of the soldier. The BJP government of the Sangh runs away from the caste census but asks for castes from Agniveer brothers who gave their lives for the service of the country. These castes are being asked because the country's largest casteist organization RSS will later sort out Agniveers on the basis of caste," tweeted Yadav.