Vikarabad: A 16-year-old girl was found dead on Monday in a suspected case of rape-cum-murder in a village in the Vikarabad district of Telangana after which police have arrested four suspects. According to the police, the body of the Class X girl with head injuries was noticed lying on the outskirts of Angadi Chittampalli village by some local residents after which they alerted the police. A senior police officer said it appears to be a rape and murder case, and efforts were on to identify and nab the accused. He said a case of rape and murder has been registered.
According to the police, the girl had slept at home as usual on Sunday night only to be found dead in the bushes in a desolate place not far from home the next morning. It was suspected that she might have been killed after being sexually assaulted. Police have so far arrested one Kavali Mahendra and three other youths in connection with the case.