Bengaluru: A 22-year-old woman drowned on Sunday after a car she was travelling in with her family got stuck in neck-deep water at KR Circle underpass, just a stone's throw away distance from Vidhana Soudha, the seat of power in Karnataka. Fire and emergency services personnel saved five others of the family and the driver, with the help of people, who had rushed to save those trapped in the flooded underpass in the heart of the city. The victim as well as the others were taken to St Martha's Hospital where doctors declared the woman, identified as Bhanurekha, dead.
Learning about the incident, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah rushed to the hospital and took stock of the situation. He announced a compensation of Rs 5 lakhs to the next of kin of the deceased and free treatment for those admitted to the hospital. "The family from Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh had hired a car and come to see Bengaluru. Bhanurekha works in Infosys. Due to the downpour, the barricade at the underpass fell down and the driver took the risk of crossing the underpass, which he should not have," Siddaramaiah told reporters. Bhanurekha was 22 years old.