Tumakuru: In a shocking incident, an Anganwadi (Nursery) teacher and helper burnt a boy's private parts to scare him because he was repeatedly urinating in his pants. The bizarre incident took place in Chikkanayakanahalli of Tumakuru district in Karnataka.
Teacher, helper burnt 3-year-old's private part for urinating in pants
The Anganwadi teacher and her assistant burnt the boy's private part with a matchstick.
It is said that the three-year-old child was urinating in his pants. The Anganwadi teacher and its assistant (helper) burnt the boy's private part with a matchstick. As a result, the boy received burn injury near his private part and thigh. As this case came to light, officials of the District Child Rights Protection Unit rushed to the village.
Besides that, Taluk Women and Child Welfare Officers have also issued a notice to the Anganwadi teacher and assistant after receiving the statement of the boy's parents.