New Delhi: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday said that as per the instructions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Government has not increased the tax rates as it did not want to put any additional burden on the people during the pandemic.
"I have not tried to earn even a single paisa by increasing tax this year & even last year. PM had given clear instructions that people should not be burdened with taxes at the time of the pandemic, notwithstanding the deficit," the FM said.
Speaking to media the Finance minister also said the Union Government has added Rs 50,000 to Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme for the benefit of hospitality and other related sectors. On cryptocurrency, the FM said that the Government intended to track every trail of money in crypto assets by imposing 1 per cent TDS on every transaction. She also said that the Reserve Bank of India(RBI) will soon issue a digital currency.