Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu): Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister K Ponmudy on Friday took a veiled dig at those claiming that learning Hindi will help one to get jobs. He indicated that those who are selling Pani Puri in the Coimbatore are Hindi-speaking people only.
"Many said you will get jobs if you learn Hindi. Is it so...look here in Coimbatore, who is selling Pani Puri. It is them (Hindi-speaking individuals)," he said. The Minister made the remarks at the 37th convocation of Bharathiar University in Coimbatore in presence of the Governor of Tamil Nadu R N Ravi who presided over the incident.
Ponmundy said that the students of the State were ready to learn any language and were not against any language including Hindi. He also said that the State Government was willing to adopt the good schemes of the New Education Policy but there should not be any imposition and the student can opt for any language as their third language. He also said that the State Government will follow the prevailing system now.
"We don't want to agitate against the good things in NEP. We are ready to follow them. But at the same time, in Tamil Nadu, we should have our own language. India is a land of unity in diversity. In Tamil Nadu, we should follow our own education system...we should follow certain good policies from the NEP," Ponmudy said.
There was a time when society barred education to women. However, the 'Dravidian Model' has created a system, where education was for all and women students outnumber their male counterparts in higher education, as this is social reformer Periyar's land, the Minister said.