Salem: Tamil Nadu police have arrested a resident of Kannankurichi named Prabhakaran after his pet dog reportedly bit a small girl on Sunday.
The incident happened today morning when Hari Vignesh, along with his little sister, went to a shop.
Prabhakaran's dog started chasing Hari's sister, attacked her leaving her with injuries. However, later on, the passers-by chased away the dog.
Hari's parents contacted Prabhakaran after the incident but reportedly he did not respond to their questions.
Later in the day, the family approached the Kannankurichi police station and filed a complaint against Prabhakaran.
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In his statement to the police, Hari claimed that it was due to the owner's negligence that his sister suffered wounds.
Based on the complaint, Prabhakaran was called to the police station and was questioned. According to reports, the dog owner has been sent to 15 days police custody for his negligence. The accused has been booked under the provisions of Indian Penal Code (IPC) which correspond to charges of assault, negligent conduct with respect to an animal and criminal intimidation.
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