Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu):A 75-year-old farmer has garnered wide attention here in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore as he constructed a single-hall temple with his wife's idol and started worshiping her on a daily basis. Palanichami deified his wife, Saraswati, and has been offering daily aarti to her idol at Ganeshapuram village near Sirumugai.
The Palanichami-Saraswati couple had 45 years of conjugal bliss, never had a fight and lived in perfect harmony. Saraswati, who bore him two sons, was 59 years old when she died in 2019 after a fatal fall while going to the bathroom in their house. Ever since, the ageing farmer has been perpetual mourning and he has taken to worshipping her on a daily basis. After marriage, Palanichami had a seamless conjugal bliss with his wife and they lived happily till her last moment.
Palanichamy is yet to recover from that shock. Unable to reconcile to the demise of Saraswati, he buried his wife's body in the garden itself. Later Palanichami thought of building a memorial hall for his wife at the place where his wife was buried. He also installed a statue of his wife for the first anniversary commemoration.
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For the last three years, Palanichami has been worshiping the idol of his wife by lighting a lamp twice daily. He says that he stays in his garden without going out, thinking that if he goes outside, he will fail to perform the puja. While Saraswati was still alive, he built a new house and named it 'Palanichami - Saraswati House'.
Regarding this, farmer Palanichami said, "We both lived happily ever since the day of marriage. In 45 years we never had a single fight. Her sudden death when both of them were living in harmony came as a great shock to me. Since she wants to be with me, I have built a memorial hall for her and have been worshiping her with an idol in it."
For this, the farmer had given her photo to a sculpture gallery in Thirumurugan Bundi near Tirupur who sculpted an idol. "I will always remember the times spent with her. I could not accept that she had left me, who had never given up on me under any circumstances. I am living in her memory every day," Palanichami said.
The farmer remarked that in today's times, husbands and wives go to court for divorce due to small problems. "Both husband and wife should understand each other. The husband should follow the word of the wife without ignoring. Similarly, if the wife listens to the word of the husband, there will be no quarrels between the two under any circumstances, and love will prevail," he said.