Chennai: Tamil Nadu's State song, the invocation to mother Tamil was sung in an event, which was part of the canonisation ceremony of Devasahayam Pillai at the Vatican. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin posted a tweet, picking a verse from the invocation song, that signified that Tamil is honoured and acclaimed in all the directions.
Devasahayam Pillai, who embraced Christianity in the 18th century, on Sunday became the first Indian lay man to be declared a saint by Pope Francis during an impressive canonisation ceremony at the Vatican. Tamil Nadu Minister of Minorities Welfare Gingee KS Masthan who represented the State government in the ceremony, tweeted that the Tamil language was honoured by rendering the invocation to mother Tamil at the canonisation (cultural) programme of Devasahayam Pillai in Vatican. The song was sung by six nuns from Tamil Nadu.