New Delhi: The issue of Taliban takeover was heavily discussed during the conference of various intelligence units and security agencies with Delhi Police at Delhi Police headquarters on Friday, as per sources. The Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) chief, Intelligence Bureau (IB) chief were among many other officers across top intelligence agencies present at the conference.
As per sources in security agencies, it was discussed that how India needs to be extremely aware and cautious of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan and the current situation there. Top intelligence officials told that India needs to be extremely cautious of the Taliban and its current form and behaviour as it could emerge as a threat to India with a new strategy.
In this highly sensitive conference, many state officials of Police and Intelligence departments also put forward that Pakistan and its intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) are trying hard to strengthen their spy network in India. They stated that Pakistan was trying to collect confidential information about India from officials via honey trapping.
The sources said that the issue of Jammu and Kashmir and the challenges in the Union Territory were also a subject of discussion among the attendees. Officials brainstormed on ways to deal with strategies of Pakistan to spread terrorism in India.