New Delhi:Indian Railways on Thursday said it has provided citizen-centric training to over 51,000 frontline staff under Mission Karmayogiwhich aims to transform their “intention to serve” and build their “ability to serve”. Dubbed the biggest bureaucratic reform initiative, the Union Cabinet approved the mission in September 2020 as a new capacity-building scheme for civil servants aimed at upgrading the post-recruitment training mechanism of the officers and employees at all levels.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had then said that the exercise would “radically” improve the government’s human resource management practices and asserted that it will use state-of-the-art infrastructure to augment the capacity of civil servants. The ministry of railways was the first to respond to the Prime Minister's call for a change in the attitudes and skills of government employees.
“The mission has been designed to play a big role in improving their individual performances as well as strengthen the image of the organization as responsive and efficient,” the railways said in a statement. According to the railway ministry, the 51,000 employees have been trained in the field by 1,000 Master Trainers identified earlier across the 68 railway divisions in the country.