New Delhi: Bihar BJP MP Ajay Nishad on Wednesday said that the Bihar government must introduce the population control policy after taking Chief Minister Nitish Kumar into confidence. In an exclusive interaction with ETV Bharat, Nishad said that the population control policy is applicable in the Bihar municipal bodies and those who are having more than two children are denied to contest elections.
"We wanted that the same policy must be implemented in Panchayat elections also. The population control policy should be strongly implemented across Bihar at the earliest as controlling population growth is the need of the hour," he said. "People of all religions want the government to curtail population growth," he added. Talking to ETV Bharat, Nishad said that if the Indian population continues to increase, then we will face an acute shortage of resources.
Read:|The more educated women, the lesser fertility rate: Nitish Kumar counters population control policy
"With no population control, industries will end and people will not get employment. Therefore, it is necessary to take concrete steps in this direction," he stated. Talking about Nitish Kumar's opinion on this policy, the BJP MP said that the Bihar Chief Minister has a different opinion regarding this law.
"Everyone has a right to express their opinion in a democracy but in Bihar, Nitish Kumar government is in alliance with the BJP. We are running the government together. So taking Nitish Kumar into confidence is necessary. After mutual consent, this policy should be implemented in the state," Nishad said.