New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Monday said that the Omicron variant of the coronavirus poses a bigger threat to those who have not yet been inoculated and appealed to such people to get vaccinated immediately.
In a tweet, he also noted that the risk of Omicron infection is increasing in the country.
A total of 1,700 cases of the Omicron variant have been detected across 23 states and union territories so far, out of which 639 have recovered or migrated, according to the Union health ministry's data updated on Monday.
"The risk of Omicron infection is increasing in the country. This virus is the biggest threat to those who have not yet taken the vaccination. It is my humble request to all those people to get their vaccination done at the nearest health centre immediately," Birla said in a tweet in Hindi.
Maharashtra has recorded the maximum number of Omicron cases at 510, followed by Delhi (351), Kerala (156), Gujarat (136), Tamil Nadu (121) and Rajasthan (120).