Mainpuri (Uttar Pradesh):In a shocking incident, assailants on Tuesday gunned down a woman in the Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh, for marrying a person outside the community. The killers were none other than the brother and uncle of the deceased woman Komal. It was a love marriage and just after the lapse of six days when a jubilant atmosphere was pervading the family. In broad daylight, the brother and uncle, unhappy with this union, fired bullets at Komal, her husband Karan, and other members of her in-law's family.
Honour killing: Assailants gun down newly married woman in UP's Mainpuri
After receiving the consent from her mother and maternal uncle, Komal's dream of living together with her partner Karan, who was also the boy next door, was shattered on Tuesday. Assailants shot at her in the Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh. Suspected honour killing could not be ruled out in the matter, police said.
Critically injured Komal's husband received a gunshot injury between the temple and face and was rushed to Safai Medical College and Hospital. An eyewitness, who was present at the hospital, said the bullet was still lodged in the injured person's head. Komal's mother-in-law and brother-in-law were also injured in the incident. After receiving the information, police rushed to the spot. The injured were taken to the hospital while police sent the body for post-mortem. Komal after taking consent from her mother and maternal uncle had married a youth named Karan, who was her neighbour, on April 20. The youth belonged to some other caste. But, the deceased's brother and uncle had been unhappy with this marriage and we're waiting for an opportune moment for taking revenge, said a local youth who was present at the hospital.
SP Ashok Kumar Rai who was also present at the hospital confirmed the gruesome incident. "Some sections in the girl's family were unhappy with the marriage. The woman was killed and three others sustained injuries. The injured have been undergoing treatment at the hospital. Police teams have been deployed to arrest the culprits."