Hyderabad: Kapil's Eleven:Captain Kapil Dev (Kapil), who gave Team India its first ODI World Cup, opened a restaurant named 'Eleven' in Patna in 2008. Indian, Pan Asian and Continental cuisines are served in the restaurant. Replicas of cricket equipment and trophies are kept there and the moment you step inside the restaurant you feel like you entered the ground.
Jaddu Food Field:Among the currently playing cricketers, Ravindra Jadeja entered the food business 10 years ago. He started a restaurant named 'Jaddu Food Field', along with his family members. He launched the restaurant in Rajkot in 2012. Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Thai, Continental and Punjabi cuisines are served in the restaurant.
One8 Commune:Team India's star batter Virat Kohli runs a restaurant chain called One8 Commune. He runs One8 Commune in Delhi and Kolkata. Local, foreign delicacies and drinks are available here. He started the restaurant with his wife Anushka Sharma.