Surat: In a rather unique way of celebrating Prime Minister Narendra Modi's victory in Gujarat, a Surat-based jeweler has carved a gold idol of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that weighs 156 grams -- which is also the number of seats that helped BJP register a historic win in the state. The estimated cost of this gold idol is Rs 11 lakhs. It took a total of 3 months of relentless work by about 20 artisans to get the idol prepared.
Made of 18-carat gold, the idol was conceptualized immediately after the BJP historically won the Assembly elections. The owner of the jewelry shop that made this idol said that once the idea was concretized, they started assembling artisans who will do justice to the statue that the jewelers wanted to be an exact replica of the Prime Minister.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, the shop owner Sandeep Jain said, “We live in India, where people are very fond of gold. And words fall short to praise the country's Prime Minister Narendra Modi. People's sentiments for him are no less than gold. To show the way people admire him, we made his replica in gold."