New Delhi: Supreme Court on Wednesday granted bail to Indrani Mukerjea, prime accused in the Sheena Bora murder case. Mukerjea has been in jail since her arrest in the murder case in 2015. Recently Mukerjea created a sensation by sending a letter to the CBI claiming that her daughter Sheena Bora was alive. The CBI has made it clear this particular angle will not be taken up unless there is an intervention from the court.
The CBI has been investigating the Sheena Bora case since 2015, after taking over the case from Mumbai Police. According to the case registered by Mumbai Police, Sheena Bora was kidnapped and murdered by strangulation in April 2012. This case first came to light after the arrest of Indrani Mukerjea's driver, Shyamvar Rai in another case in August 2015.