New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday granted bail to former minister and Congress leader Vinay Kulkarni in murder case of BJP worker Yogeshgoudar Goudar in 2016. The bench led by Justice UU Lalit ordered Kulkarni not to enter Dharwad as all the witnesses are there and CBI made apprehensions of tampering the witnesses. He has been asked to report to the police and CBI twice in a week as well. In case, the CBI finds the bail being misused by Kulkarni, it can appeal against the bail, the court said.
The hearing which was partly heard on Tuesday and then on Wednesday concluded with CBI maintaining its stand that Kulkarni has been involved in the murder, has tampered with the evidences and witnesses were tutored. CBI had told the court if Kulkarni visits Dharawad, he will again tamper with the witnesses therefore court asked him to stay somewhere else like Bengaluru.