New Delhi:Sulli Deals app creator Aumkareshwar Thakur, has been sent to police custody for four days by a court, informed Delhi Police on Sunday. The IFSO unit of Delhi Police's Special Cell arrested the mastermind of the Sulli Deals app from Indore on Sunday after receiving information about him from Bulli Bai app case mastermind Neeraj Bishnoi during the investigation, said Delhi Police DCP (IFSO), KPS Malhotra, on Sunday.
"During the interrogation of the Bulli Bai app mastermind Neeraj Bishnoi, we found evidence that helped us arrest Aumkareshwar Thakur, who wrote codes for Sulli Deals app. He is being interrogated and his laptop is under forensic examination", said Malhotra.
"Both the Bulli Bai and Sulli Deal app case masterminds have been arrested. On Saturday, a team of IFSO, Special Cell went to Indore and arrested Thakur," added the DCP. As per police information, the arrested 25-year-old Aumkareshwar Thakur is a Computer Graduate residing at Newyork city Township of Indore. "We are still investigating the case and have seized Aumkareshwar Thakur's laptop which was used in Sulli Deal case and have sent it for forensic examination", said DCP Malhotra. " "The accused was operating on Twitter under the name of Aumkar Thakur."
In July 2021, the Sulli Deal app was made on the Github platform to auction Muslim women. The matter came to light when Delhi Police took suo moto cognisance of this matter. The Delhi Police were investigating the case for the last six months but the first arrest in the case came after Bulli Bai app case mastermind Niraj Bishnoi was apprehended from Assam's Jorhat.