Amritsar (Punjab): Punjab Director General of Police (DGP) Gaurav Yadav on Friday said that all angles and conspiracies will be investigated into the murder of Shiv Sena leader Sudhir Suri in Amritsar. Sudhir Suri was shot dead on Friday outside Gopal Mandir on Majitha Road, one of the busiest places in the city, where he and some other leaders of the party were holding a protest. He was taken to a hospital where he succumbed to injuries.
The Punjab DGP further said that the accused has been arrested and a case of murder under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) has been registered. "It is an unfortunate incident and we condemn it strongly. I have come to review the situation on the spot where the unfortunate incident happened. The assailant has been arrested on the spot and an FIR under Section 302 has been against the accused. The investigation is being done. All the angles including conspiracies behind the murder and all those who are behind the incident are being probed," said DGP Yadav.
He said that the situation is under control and appealed to people to maintain peace and harmony. "Media has been appealed not to spread fake and incomplete information or action will be taken against them under IT ACT," he said. Replying to a question on the involvement of Khalistan, Yadav said, "It is an early stage and we will get to the bottom of everything."
Also read:Shiv Sena Hindustan chief Sudhir Suri shot dead in Amritsar during agitation