California: Researchers have found rare naturally occurring T cells that are capable of targeting a protein found in SARS-CoV-2 and a range of other coronaviruses. The study has been published in the 'Cell Reports Journal'.
The findings suggested that a component of this protein, called viral polymerase, could potentially be added to COVID-19 vaccines to create a longer-lasting immune response and increase protection against new variants of the virus.
Most COVID-19 vaccines use a part of the spike protein found on the surface of the virus to prompt the immune system to produce antibodies. However, newer variants -- such as delta and omicron -- carry mutations to the spike protein, which can make them less recognizable to the immune cells and antibodies stimulated by vaccination.
Researchers said that a new generation of vaccines will likely be needed to create a more robust and wide-ranging immune response capable of beating back current variants and those that may arise in the future. One way to accomplish this was by adding a fragment of a different viral protein to vaccines -- one that is less prone to mutations than the spike protein and that will activate the immune system's T cells.
T cells are equipped with molecular receptors on their surfaces that recognize foreign protein fragments called antigens. When a T cell encountered an antigen its receptor recognized, it self-replicated and produced additional immune cells, some of which target and kill infected cells immediately and others which remain in the body for decades to fight that same infection should it ever return.
The researchers focused on the viral polymerase protein, which is found not only in SARS-CoV-2 but in other coronaviruses, including those that cause SARS, MERS and the common cold. Viral polymerases serve as engines that coronaviruses use to make copies of themselves, enabling infection to spread. Unlike the spike protein, viral polymerases are unlikely to change or mutate, even as viruses evolve.