New Delhi: The Chief Justice of India, NV Ramana, said on Thursday that students have a special responsibility towards society and they can not remain in isolation, away from public debates and socio-economic activities. He said that students have been the face of the Indian independence movement. But in the last few decades, no big leader has emerged from the student community.
On Thursday, CJI NV Ramana was the chief guest at the 8th convocation of National Law University, Delhi. While addressing the students he said, "You cannot remain self-centered. Do not allow narrow and partisan issues to dominate the nation's thought process. This will ultimately hurt our democracy and the progress of our nation,". He also raised the concern of law graduates joining corporate law firms instead of fighting for social issues in the courtrooms.
"Unfortunately, the focus nowadays is on professional courses to the total neglect of equally important subjects such as Humanities and Natural Sciences. In anxiety to secure highly remunerative and profitable job opportunities, children are sent to exile in private-run residential schools and coaching centers. The formative years of budding talents are spent in a suffocating atmosphere which unfortunately resembles prisons. The holistic development of a child cannot be achieved in such a restrictive environment. The harsh reality is that even after the students enter professional university, the focus is on classroom learning and not on the world beyond the classroom. I am not sure who or what is to blame for these changes," said CJI.