New Delhi: After the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced the date sheet of Class 10 and 12 for the Term-1 examinations on October 18, the board noticed that some students are still not in the city of their school where they had taken admission.
According to the circular issued by CBSE today, the board will inform the students to make a request to their respective schools to change the city of the examination centre. Schools will follow the instructions given by CBSE to forward the request of students to the board via online mode, the circular read.
"All students and schools are requested to remain in touch with the CBSE's website. As soon as the students are informed in this regard, they can make the request to their school within the schedule which will be of short duration," the circular added.
Read:Reduced exam duration, objective questions: School principals hail CBSE's new board exam format
It also stated that no requests after the schedule will be accepted by the board for change of examination centre city. CBSE Date Sheet 2021-22 Term 1: CBSE on October 18 released the date sheets for term-1 board exams 2021-22 for Class 10 and 12. Term 1 Board Exams for classes 10 and 12 would be conducted offline in November-December by CBSE.