New Delhi: A student of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on Sunday reported a probable attack on the university, said the police. As per the information shared by Delhi police, a few PCR calls were received one after the other at Vasant Kunj North police station in the middle of the night. When the police called back one of the numbers, a student reported that a video was shared on the Facebook page named 'Ek Mahakal Youth Brigade' in which the speaker claimed to attack JNU the next day and spread violence in the university on Independence Day.
After receiving the call, the police personnel were deployed in plain clothes at all gates of the university. The said student also came to the police station and filed a complaint. JNU Students' Union (JNUSU) office-bearers filed a similar complaint in which they alleged that the video promotes disharmony and enmity between religions by using inflammatory language and also openly issuing threats of physical hurt.