New Delhi:Moody's Investors Service on Thursday said India's rising vaccination rate, low interest rates and higher public spending drive the positive outlook for corporate sector.
Moody's projects India's economic growth will rebound strongly, with GDP expanding 9.3 per cent in the current fiscal ending March 2022, followed by 7.9 per cent in fiscal 2023.
In a report, Moody's said credit fundamentals are favorable for India's companies on a sustained economic recovery and earnings of rated companies' will rise on strong consumer demand and high commodity prices.
India's rising vaccination rate, stabilizing consumer confidence, low-interest rates and higher public spending underpin positive credit fundamentals for non-financial companies, it said.
“India's steady progress on inoculation against the coronavirus will support a sustained recovery in economic activity. Consumer demand, spending and manufacturing activity are recovering following the easing of pandemic restrictions. These trends, including high commodity prices, will propel significant growth in rated companies' EBITDA over the next 12-18 months,” Moody's Analyst Sweta Patodia said.