New Delhi: With the Presidential election drawing closer, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar on Tuesday emphasised that strict adherence to procedures by the ECI teams has become its hallmark in delivering error-free elections time and again.
He was speaking at an event where the Election Commission of India (ECI) started the distribution and dispatch of designated ballot boxes, ballot papers, special pens, and other sealed election materials to the State Legislative Assembly Secretariats including the National Capital Territory of Delhi and UT of Puducherry. He also said that a set of well-defined instructions and standard operating procedures that are required to be followed thoroughly to complete every electoral process account for ECI’s robustness for conducting elections.
Kumar urged the officials to be vigilant and ensure strict adherence to protocols and guidelines for transportation and storage of election materials including ballot boxes and ballot papers. "The Commission mandates the collection of the materials from the ECI Headquarters at Delhi by Assistant Returning Officers (AROs) including one senior officer from the office of the Chief Electoral Officer.