New Delhi: The Delhi High Court Tuesday asked the Central government to provide assistance to five Indians stranded in Iran after being implicated in a criminal case and sought a status report on the issue. 'I'm saying do what is permissible in the rules. Whatever they are entitled to, they should get,' said Justice Rekha Palli who gave two weeks' time to the Centre to file the status report.
The court recorded the statement of Centre's counsel Harish Vaidyanathan's that the five seafarers were in touch with the officers of the Indian Mission in Iran and had also been provided with boarding and lodging facilities.
'All five have been receiving assistance from the Mission consistently and have been in touch, lodged in a hotel, and given access to a telephone,' the advocate said.
He also informed the court that the order of acquittal in the criminal case against the five seafarers has been overturned by the Supreme Court of Iran. Vaidyanatha submitted that the verdict of innocence no longer remains and whatever next step in legal recourse has to be taken, will be taken.
Advocate Gurinder Pal Singh, counsel for the family members of the five seafarers, sought legal assistance from the Indian authorities as well as issuance of a document to prove their identity as an Indian citizen.
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