New Delhi: Amid the ongoing power crisis in India,former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi on Friday said the Modi government should stop running the "bulldozer of hatred" and start running power plants instead. He also sought to know from Prime Minister Narendra Modi whether he cared about the country and its people as the coal and electricity crisis has created havoc in the country. On April 20, 2022, I told the Modi government to stop running the bulldozer of hatred and start power plants of the country, today the coal and electricity crisis has created havoc in the entire country.
"I am saying again - This crisis will destroy small industries, due to which unemployment will increase further. Small children cannot stand this scorching heat. The lives of patients admitted in hospitals are at stake. There will be financial loss by stopping rail, metro services," Gandhi said in a Facebook post. "Modi ji, do you not care about the country and the people," he asked and used the hashtag "#BJPFailsIndia".