New Delhi:After yet another exposure of illegal conversion racket from Meerut in Uttar Pradesh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad has expressed concern over the spreading network of religious conversions and said that they are already on alert mode. Kaleem Siddiqui, a cleric aged 64 was arrested on Wednesday, by the Anti Terror Squad. Maulana Keleem Siddiqui was arrested in the connection of the same case under which Umar Gautam was arrested for involvement in illegal conversion of more than 1,000 people.
On this development, ETV Bharat spoke to Vijay Shankar Tiwari, the National spokesperson of Vishwa Hindu Parishad who defined the situation as alarming and explosive. "This practice of forced or illegal conversions has been going on since the Mughals came to our country. Today, there are few Muslims in our country who actually came from Arab countries, rest all are Hindus who were forcefully converted to Islam back then. This has been in practice before independence and continued after independence as well. The only difference today is that the incidents and nexus are getting exposed," said Vijay Shankar Tiwari.
VHP has been demanding a stringent central law against illegal conversion and mass awareness campaigns have also been run by the organisation but incidents of conversion keep coming out on a regular basis. Talking about the steps being taken, VHP leader appreciated the efforts of UP government. "Illegal conversion was always there but nexus of people are getting exposed only after the change in government in the state and centre" He said.
Reminding about the first reported incident of conversion which was exposed from Minakshipuram in Madhya Pradesh, Tiwari said that before that incident people were not aware of things like religious conversions.
Read:Rajasthan: VHP leader arrested in 2018 Alwar lynching case