Gurugram: SpiceJet chairman Ajay Singh was booked here for allegedly duping a businessman on the pretext of allotting him company shares, police said on Monday. Complainant Amit Arora claimed Singh has defrauded others also in a similar manner. According to the complaint, the SpiceJet chairman and managing director delivered a fake depository instruction slip (DIS) of 10 lakh shares for services provided by Arora to him.
Arora, who is in the business of providing non-aeronautical services including airport retail and hospitality at various airports in India, claimed Singh had promised him to give 10,00,000 Spicejet shares for his services. "Ajay Singh provided a depository instruction slip which, later turned out to be invalid and outdated. Thereafter, I approached him multiple times and requested him to either provide valid depository instruction slip or transfer shares directly. However, on pretext or the other, he refused to transfer me the shares," Arora said in his complaint.