Mumbai: Budget carrier SpiceJet on Friday said it has appointed Ashish Kumar as its Chief Financial Officer. Kumar's appointment for the post is effective from September 9, SpiceJet said in a statement. Kumar succeeds Sanjeev Taneja, who quit the struggling carrier on August 31.
SpiceJet appoints Ashish Kumar as CFO
Budget carrier SpiceJet on Friday said it has appointed Ashish Kumar as its Chief Financial Officer. Kumar's appointment for the post is effective from September 9, SpiceJet said in a statement.
Before joining the Gurugram-based low-cost airline, Kumar was serving as vice president for corporate finance at Interglobe Enterprises since January 2019, SpiceJet said. Previously, he served as Chief Financial Officer at Interglobe Hotels for five years from 2014 to 2018, as per the statement. Facing a liquidity crunch, SpiceJet reported a loss of Rs 784 crore for the quarter that ended June 30, compared to a loss of Rs 731 crore a year earlier.
The company had also reported a loss of Rs 485 crore for the quarter ended March. "Restructuring SpiceJet and putting it back on a path of rapid growth is the best job in the aviation industry today. Ashish's experience and proven track record will ensure that he can successfully lead this effort," said Ajay Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, SpiceJet. (PTI)
SpiceJet cfo