Chennai:The Tamil Nadu chief minister's office has directed the Virudhanagar district administration to constitute special teams to crack down on illegal firecracker units in the state as well as those working without proper licensing. This was after several deaths were reported from Virudhanagar district which has the maximum number of firecracker units in the state. A notice to this effect was sent on Monday to the district administration which will be constituting five special teams with officials drawn from several departments including revenue, home, fire and rescue, industrial safety, and health.
The district administration will be constituting five interdepartmental teams to crack down on illegal units and to ensure that those with licenses are complying with the norms given. It may be noted that the fire unit accident at Sree Mariyammal Fireworks near Sattur claimed 27 lives and another firecracker unit explosion led to the deaths of four people at Thayilapatti. Inspections will be conducted at the taluks of Sivakasi, Sattur, Vembakottai, Virudhanagar, Rajapalayam, Aruppukottai and Srivilluputtur.
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